The book that we are currently reading for my book group is called Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurty. I have been told by both my father and father-in-law that this was a great book that looks at what it means to belong in a family. My father-in-law liked it so much, that he bought the whole mini-series on tape.
I already was hesitant to read this book, since I know it is a western, but being in the group I decided to try to give it a chance. Who knows, maybe I will really like it. So far I am 200 some pages into it, and I cannot say that I am particularly fond of the writing style or the plot. The first 100 pages is very slow, there is very little character development, and the most I have gotten out of it is that these men are cowboys without a purpose.
Part of the reason I think that I may be having trouble connecting with the book is that there isn't many female characters. The one character named Lorie, who is the known prostitute in Lonesome Dove, is the only parts that seem to be interesting to me. Their trip to Montana might be something worth reading because everyone likes the adventurous renegade without direction or a plan. In fact, if they do run into some Indians or comanches, this book might take a turn for the better.
One of the main characters Jake I seem to like. He is supposedly a ladies man and a clean freak who shot a dentist and is now on the run. Call, the Captain, has not been established as much of a character yet, but that may change.
So far I see the prominent themes being cowboy life, survival, and prostitution. Stay tuned for my next update. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised.
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